The Development Plan

South Cliff Bowling Club – Development Plan - Outline
With a new, long-term lease being negotiated, the Club has begun to put together a Development Plan:
- To secure funding and support.
- To have transparent targets linked to the Plan for members to both understand and influence what is happening
- To have greater involvement by more members
To move things along a number of support groups have been established:
- Sustainability and Development
- Membership/Marketing
- Green and Club Maintenance
- Catering and Housekeeping
- Finance
Each Support Group set out its main tasks and activities for the year both developmental and day to day. Groups aim to regularly monitor and review their progress and consider amendments.
Sustainability and Development
- Takes lead with Scarborough Borough Council to ensure new lease arrangements are fit for purpose in the general improvement and specific development of the clubhouse, green and surrounds.
- Using national bodies eg Bowls England and BDA takes responsibility for keeping up to date and future scanning. This would include club management best practice, legislation, grants etc.
- Identifies and maintains a list of useful external resources for aiding club development.
- Generates new initiatives in conjunction with other Support Groups.
- Responsible for drafting 3 to 5 year Development Plan involving input from members, Support Groups and others by discussion and questionnaire for consideration and adoption by the Management Committee.
- Ensures clear two way communications with the membership, local community and other stakeholders by regular updates and meetings.
- Monitors and reviews plans and recommends any additions/amendments to the Management Committee and acts on its direction.
- Provides advice to other Support Groups in establishing their annual plans.
Membership & Marketing
- Responsible for keeping members and the wider population up to date with the Club (bowling, social, community) activities.
- Responsible for developing club website
- Generating initiatives with regard to the Asset of Community Value status.
- Liaison with appropriate local bodies- Community groups and SBC.
- Develop Social Bowling, ‘Come and Try’ and links with schools.
- Increase awareness of the Club, increasing membership.
- Compliance with legislation regarding Safeguarding etc.
Green and Club Maintenance
- Responsible for ensuring the Green & immediate surrounds are maintained to an excellent standard.
- Ensures that a budget is placed before the Committee and is adhered to.
- Monitors and complies with legislation for Health & Safety on the Green and in the Clubhouse.
- Identifies deficiencies in clubhouse maintenance and addresses issues.
- Assesses status of equipment and identifies a capital replacement/addition programme.
- Using national bodies, local advisor to keep up to date on good practice and addressing green issues
Catering and Housekeeping
- In consultation with fixture secretary and fundraising events organiser, arranges catering to meet the needs of individual events, working within acceptable budgets.
- Produces rotas for the provision of contributions of refreshments for social bowling and closed season Saturdays.
- Ensures supplies of catering and housekeeping essentials needed to maintain the clubhouse on a day to day basis.
- Produces rotas for weekly cleaning and laundry tasks.
- Devises, publishes and monitors the annual programme of minor club fundraising events.
- Identifies standard hygiene and health practices, ensuring all who participate in the above tasks are aware of current regulations and abide by these rules.
- Advises the management committee of any expenditure needed to maintain a healthy working environment within the clubhouse, e.g. equipment, training, repairs.
- Responsible for collection and banking of all monies from members’ subscriptions, donations and fundraising events.
- Ensures all legitimate and authorised financial liabilities are paid in a timely manner.
- Utilises deposit, investment and current banking accounts to best effect.
- Keeps detailed records of all income and expenditure working closely with other Support Group Leads.
- Prepares annual budgets forecast in line with Development Plan objectives and Support Group needs.
- Seeks national and specific sponsorship in line with Development Plan objectives.
- Oversees appropriate grant applications in liaison with the relevant statutory and voluntary bodies and seeks national and specific sponsorship in line with Development Plan objectives.
- Makes regular financial reports to Management Committee and acts on its direction.
- Undertakes Community Amateur Sports Clubs liaison with HM Revenue and Customs via Treasurer as named person.
- Prepares annual accounts for Auditors.